Covid Passport
Employee's vaccination or test results may be documented using the Covid Passport by SmartFHR™. Employers can review the documentation, confirm the vaccination status, retain records in a secure format; and take actions that promote preventive care and safety in the organization.

Vaccination Tracking
Using the Covid Passport, employees can update their vaccination details including their vaccination card. Employees may update the number of doses taken and receive vaccination reminders when they are due for their next dose. The Covid Passport will provide a verification status for the employee in the SmartFHR™ app indicating whether the employee has passed or failed the compliance.

Covid Testing
Employees may update the results of Covid tests in the SmartFHR™ platform and receive a verification status for the compliance. Employees can receive notifications for test reminders and next test due dates.

Manage Exemptions
Employees may request vaccination exemptions through SmartFHR.. Supporting documents may be uploaded and both employers and employees can view in real-time the approval status of the exemption and the expiry timeline of the exemption.

Document Verification
The SmartFHR™ platform also offers the services to verify vaccination, exemption, and test result documents in real-time.

Covid Questionnaire
SmartFHR™ uses the CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) approved questionnaire to track health symptoms of employees on a daily/weekly/or as per the frequency set by the employer.

Covid Dashboard
The Covid compliance dashboard is available to the administrator teams to get an umbrella view of the compliance status in the organization. Administrators can download employee compliance reports, review vaccination and test compliance and communicate via a 2-way secure messaging communications feature. Administrators can approve and view pending exemptions via the Covid Dashboard.

Group Management
Administrators may manage multiple employee groups across multiple locations using the SmartFHR™ covid dashboard and send targeted communications.